A single jar sitting in a dusty

cobwebbed room.

Within this jar floated

dozens of lonely lights.

Dozens of lonely fireflies.


What are they doing here?


Not what they’re supposed to

be doing, that’s for sure.

Fireflies are the bringers of light,

they should be out there, bringing

the light to those who need it.


Should I open the jar?


Yes. Of course. Always open

those jars and set the fireflies

free. Liberate the light, return

the sparkle and positivity to the

people who have lost theirs.


Hey, you there, sitting alone!


Dry your eyes, banish those

tears. You may feel lonely

right now, you may feel

worthless, but you’re not.

You’ve just lost your fireflies.


I unscrew the jar, these belong to you.


Here you go, I think you lost these.

They were in a jar in a dark room

somewhere. They weren’t helping

anyone. Take them back, and let

them help you.


They did belong to you! I can tell, you’re sparkling!